She was either a late christmas present or an early birthday gift, with my husband - you never know. He's not good with dates, but he does try. Anyway, she's the Emerald/May Birthstone Beauty. I've wanted her for quite some time, or one of her sisters, but couldn't make my mind which one. They all share one of my favourite moulds - Steffi. Almost each one has something nice about her, but all in all, they are very similar! Finally, I decided, that I wanted the May girl, since my birthday is in may and I like her colours, red hair and green eyes.
I do like her face and colours, but... well, the outfit is boring at best, however nicely made. And it was sewn tight into one, irremovable piece. OK, I know, it was supposed to ensure her to look best in the box, but then, why her hair was such a mess?
And, in the end, I think that her round face with very round eyes and round mouth with the round curls looks slightly overdone. So, it's a YES for the doll and a NOT TODAY for the stylization.
However, 30 seconds with hot water and my girl is stunning!
I'm really happy with the effect. :) |