Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Portrait of a Fashionista - part 3 - more of the girls

 Some more of the Fashionistas girls.

Więcej panien Fashionistas.

Barbie Fashionistas #14 Powder Pink

Barbie Fashionistas #16 Glam Team

Barbie Fashionistas #19 Ruby Red Floral

Barbie Fashionistas #20 Fancy in Flowers

#20 is currentlu my daughter's doll.

#20 jest obecnie lalką mojej córki.

Barbie Fashionistas #25 Blue Brocade

Barbie Fashionistas #26 Spring into Style
I like #19 the least of these.

Najmniej z tych lubię #19.

1 comment:

  1. Mesmerizing, aren't they? The eyes drew me to this doll.
