Sunday, May 20, 2012

The impossible task

As I spoke with some collectors, I found out that most of us share one fear:

What if I'm to keep only one or just a few dolls?
In case of fire, which of my dolls I'd try to save first (after family and live stock, of course)?

I could never answer these questions. Could you?
I always have "current favourites", dolls I play with, dress or sew for them most often. With time I get bored with them, some of them grow a personality and remain my favourites, although less played with, others fall into oblivion (and sometimes I discover them for the second time). I also have a significant group of old, often childhood dolls, which will always be special. Some have a "feels like home" aura, they are companions for times of sadness.

Luckily, my choices for now aren't that grave. I just have to choose a doll or dolls that will go with me to live abroad (Crete, Cyprus or both) for three months, be a companion, comforter and a model for sewing and photographing. Yup, quite demanding for - preferably - a single doll. Especially, that I like to sew and crochet for different sizes and shapes and get easily bored with just one. And I have a strictly limited luggage capacity.

1. B&B Tyler - my first 16", long time crush and a "feels like home" doll. Cons: not travel-friendly size.


As you can see, Tyler already is a traveller.
2. Cami 1st ed. - doll of ultimate grace and photo-compatibility. I love her poseability. Cons: again, size.

3. Mulan - my favourite Disney character. The problem is, I have so many Mulan dolls, it's sooo difficult to choose my favourite!

Classical Red used to be my absolute favourite for a long time and a feels-like-home, but I haven't played with her for a long time and I'm not sure if she still has that effect on me. Tragic hair. Blossom Beauty is so pale and noble, but her hair is a mess when trying on clothes, so she's a fail as a sewing model. I gave away the Secret Hero in good condition, because the shaved-and-heavily-played-with one grew on me so much, that I preferred her (f-l-h again). She's a great sewing model and good for carrying in the backpack, poor photo model. However, I don't like sewing for TNT body any more. I have two Disney Store Mulans, one has nicer face, the other (no photo) - articulated hands.

4. Enchantress - a true beauty (actually, which of them isn't?), and a romantic heroine of a story I made up about longing for a distant home and family. However, she's one of the display, not play dolls. Maybe I would establish a new relation with her? TNT body again.

5. Kida - a true feels-like-home girl, very unusual, slightly sad and melancholic, good listener, fair model, bad swimmer due to batteries in her back. A representative of ancient civilisation - nicely fits into the picture.

6. Tarina Tarantino - a girl with personality, photo-tastic, despite the model muse body, one of the feels-like-home bunch. She grabs attention, which is good and bad. Her curls and bangs don't like to be played with.

Long story behind a nice photo. :)

7. Monsieur Z - I don't know why, but this girl is a candidate to f-l-h group. Too new to know yet, but there's definitely something about her.

8. Aria - she wasn't supposed to appear on this list, but every time I pass her, there's that tingling sensation.

9. Frankie - small, poseable, fun and friendly, good for sewing and a pretty model. And she carries around a rat, which is an additional positive trait.

She was a perfect candidate until...
10. Lagoona - a water creature in a white lab coat with a frog in a jar. Absolutely perfect, no matter the details. ;) Mad science squared!

There were many, many other dolls that wanted to jump onto the list at worst, or into the suitcase at best. And I've been just going through the photos. I'm afraid to look at the shelves or into the cupboard not to stumble upon another doll I'd really, really like to take with me.


  1. Bardzo ciężki wybór :(Ja bym wzięła coś co mam najkrócej...żeby się nacieszyć...i na pewno przywiozłabym coś nowego :)

    1. Bardzo trudny, bo jeszcze bym chciała wziąć coś, czym nacieszę się w pełni, również szyjąc i fotografując, o ile będę miała czas. A z swoich panien którą byś wzięła?

  2. Myślę, myślę i nie wiem, którą bym wzięła :P

  3. Oo, zazdroszczę Ci tej Grecji :) Kαλή παραμονή! Ja bym zabrała Tonnerki i Kidę!

    1. Jeszcze zdąży mi się znudzić pewnie. ;) Tylko tonnerki są takie wielkie!

  4. Hello from Spain: a difficult question. It is very difficult to choose among the entirecollection. Keep in touch.

    1. Yeah, it must be a very difficult question, since almost nobody even tried to answer it. ;)

  5. I don't think I could chose either!

    1. I did in the end, but missed the limits three times at least! ;)

  6. Such a difficult question you do...
    I think i will save all my room, i love all my dolls, toys and plushes i have, and i can't choose between them so i will take my bag and take all with me hahaha

    You have a beautiful collection of dolls!! I hope there where more spanish blogs of dolls to talk with XDDD
