Friday, June 28, 2013

Disney Store's Mulan and Li Shang

Left to right: 2010 Disney Store Mulan, 2011 DS Mulan, 2012 DS Shang.

 Did I ever mention that Mulan is my favourite Disney character? Well, she is, and Mulan-related dolls make up a significant part of my Disney collection

These are the Disney Store's versions. The 2010 Mulan has a lovely, youthful face and a bellybutton-type body. The 2011 Mulan is more mature and elegant. She has bendable wrists and elbows. The 2012 version, which I don't have, is quite similar, but with hinged knees. I used to have one older DS Mulan, but got rid of her. I didn't like her very much, her hair was terrible and she wasn't much like the animated original. However, the older Mulan, the better clothes she has. The oldest one had two complete outfits with lots of mix'n'match pieces (I didn't get them, unfortunately), in the 2010 she got one gown with a separate corset, while the latest version's got a one-piece dress with all the details sewn on the front and a plain back.

There are two versions of DS Shang, but I couldn't tell the difference except for the box. I've been wanting to get him for a long time. However, now I wasn't even interested enough to undress him. His face is very simple, like a sketch, a bit disapointing, especially compared to a nice, warm expression of Mattel's Shang. His arms are nicely bendable, though.

Mattel (left) and DS Li Shang

On the other hand, DS's outfit is so much better that Mattel's asian-inspired pyjamas. And he can stand on his own.

Overall, I think Shang is a nice addition to the collection. At least my Mulans seem happy. ;)



  1. Hello from Spain, great purchase. They are very happy. Keep in touch

  2. Hehe, what lady wouldn't be happy? XD

    I really need to get to a Disney Store to check these dolls out!

  3. Bardzo podoba mi się ta Mulanka z zamkniętymi ustami. Niby się uśmiecha, ale też tak patrzy nie śmiało. Przyjemna odmiana po wyszczerzonych baśkach:)

    1. Też lubię lalki z takimi bardziej stonowanymi uśmiechami. :)

  4. Obie panny są przepiękne a faceci przystojni. :)

  5. Dziękuję za porównawcze fotki! Mulan, widziałam w tylu odsłonach, że już żadna mnie nie zdziwi, a raczej każda sprowokuje do uśmiechu. Ale facet niesamowicie różni się od pierwotnego, (który i u mnie mieszka). To całkiem inna lalka! Warto, bym o nim pomyślała :-)

    1. Mulanów ci u mnie dostatek, również tych Mattelowskich. ;) Faceta warto przygarnąć, rynek za bardzo skąpi sensownych panów o azjatyckich rysach.

  6. Taaaak, ten facet musi być mój - nie przepuszczę mu :-)!!!
