Friday, August 17, 2012

Accidents happen

For the first time since I came to Cyprus I decided to go public with dolls. We went to an aquarium near Agia Napa. There is a garden there, so I pulled out Lagoona and tried to take some photos. It was noon, rather warm, and the contrast of sunlight and shade made it very difficult to take any decent photos. Actually, I made one. My company was growing impatient, so I grabbed Lagoona and while tucking her into a bag, noticed that she'd lost a fin. Went back looking for it and, hurray, found it in the sand! I happily put it into the bag with Lagoona and hurried away. But at home I couldn't find it! And it's gone for good. :(

Last moments of Lagoona being complete.
She doesn't seem to despair, so neither will I.

She snatched boots from the Fallen Angel Stardoll


  1. Piękne jest to pierwsze zdjęcie, a płetwa może jeszcze się znajdzie :)

    1. Może się znajdzie na jakiejś aukcji, bo ta moja chyba przepadła na dobre. Dzięki!

  2. pech z tą płetwą :/ gdyby to było coś innego to może można by dokupić osobno, a tak wątpię czy ktoś będzie sprzedawał na jakiejś aukcji same płetwy. na szczęście bez niej Lagoona też nie wygląda źle!

    1. Może za jakiś czas znajdę jakąś Lagoonę, której płetwy będą zbędne. ;)

  3. Ah, poor Lagoona! But looks like she had an enjoyable time. One day she can tell her kids the adventurous story of how she lost a fin.

    1. :) I hope she had, anyway. It was nice to cool down on the beach after a day of sightseeing.

  4. Hello from Spain: I'm sorry Lagoona lost a fin . The pictures are very nice. I like shoes. keep in touch
